Friday 14 June 2013

How to Comfort a Sore and Itchy Eye

Ever have one of those days when your eyes just don't stop itching. Where all you want to do is reach up there and scratch it away. Yes, it's quite annoying and happens to everyone. So here are some tips and tricks to keep your eyes feeling good. Even if it is just allergies, these could really help.
  1. Avoid rubbing your eyes. This will just cause them to itch more and become more irritated. Apply a cool or cold compress to your eyes.
  2. Avoid warm or hot compresses for itching. Heat causes increased release of histamines, the chemical that causes itching.
  3. Try rinsing your eye out with a few eye drops. Hopefully, whatever made them itchy in the first place will wash out. This should give some relief. Never put tap water in your eye, it is not sterile and could harbour microorganisms. Over-the-counter artificial tears or allergy drops may be used up to 4 times daily.
  4. If they still hurt after washing them out, and there is little or no improvement in your symptoms, go see an eye doctor. There are great medications that can help relieve most irritated eyes. Your eyes will need to be evaluated by an ophthalmologist, optometrist or competent doctor.
  5. Visit an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) at 20/20 Eyeglass Superstore. Irritated eyes can have many causes, some of which are severe and can threaten vision. Only an ophthalmologist (your internist or primary physician will usually refer you to an ophthalmologist) can diagnose. Likely possibilities include dry eye syndrome, ocular allergies, foreign body caught in the eye, allergic reaction to contact lenses, or many other disorders.
  6. Avoid using over-the-counter eye drops for more than one or two days in a row. They may mask a more serious underlying problem that needs treatment by a doctor. Also, if you use over-the-counter drops for more than 3 days in a row, you may experience a rebound effect when you stop using them.

  • Use a cold wet towel and put it over eyes.
  • Don't scratch your eye. It can cause more irritation.
  • If your problem is allergic, prescription eye medications usually fix 90% of the problem. But be very careful when putting in eyedrops. It should not touch your lashes, as this could contaminate the bottle.
  • Don't wear eye makeup.
  • Avoid self-medication with over-the-counter, or worse, from-the-cabinet eyedrops.
  • Applying cold water and ice with a cotton cloth clears irritation soon.
  • Always visit an eye doctor, such as an ophthalmologist or optometrist before trying any medications!
  • Bathe your eyes with aired milk. Or sit with cold used tea bags on them. Both methods are quite soothing.
  • If your eyes are itchy, it could be because of allergies. Try antihistamines.
Read the orignal article at wikihow .com

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